Shade Sail Design and Planning
1. Shade - Planning for shade coverage is often a little tricky as the suns position changes
with the time of day, and the time of the year. The height of the shade sails also effects
where the shade is cast. This generally means lower is better.
2. Looks - Style and Shape. It is important to consider your shape, colour, and in particular
try to vary your fixing heights. Varied fixing heights assist with water run off, shade
stability, tensioning and load forces created by the wind.
Shade Sail shapes and configurations
Shade Sails can be almost any shape. Triangles, Squares, Rectangles, Hexagons and so on.
It is popular to have multiple shades and shapes to add more appeal to your shade sail.
Fixing heights also dramatically change the look of the shade.
Shade fixings vary greatly depending on the area that needs to be covered. Should you
require your shade to be fixed to a building structure it is important that you seek advice
from an engineers or a builder to ensure the structure is able to cope with the high forces
sail shades can generate on fixing points. As a general rule it almost always recommedned
to fix shade sails to their own steel posts.
Shade Sail Posts
Posts come in different shapes (round or square), different thicknesses and diameters. It is
imperative that appropriate sizes are used
Shade Sail Design